This was the second consecutive year for a virtual AGM hosted by the Club on April 17, 2021 via Zoom. Due to COVID-19, it was unfortunate to have to do this on-line, since so many members look forward to the opportunities to socialize and meet face-to-face with colleagues and friends. However, there was good news to share with members and over 100 attendees participated and had the chance to ask questions to the Board of Directors.
Graham Allen, President of the Toronto Bruce Trail Club reported on the Club’s prior year successes and Margaret Corner, Treasurer, on the Club’s financial status. The Club is in a good financial position. Graham outlined some of the accomplishments during the year which include: a) launch of the Club’s new website that is mobile friendly b) introducing of a new youth hiking badge c) sponsoring a design contest for a new Winter End-To-End badge with the first badge awarded in late December d) conversion to the BTC Sage accounting system, moving our banking to Meridian Credit Union and introduction of e-transfers e) the Club receiving the Phil Gosling BTC award for its replacement of the a 10m long footbridge between Appleby and Campbellville Roads.
The Nina Carlisle Volunteer award recipient was Alina Lin and Jacquie Van Dyke was the Todd Bardes Volunteer award recipient. Trail maintenance Certificates of Appreciation were given to Imelda Santiago, Ernie Fullante, Veronica Koopmans, Shawn McDonald, Pamela Newson, Brian Morrell, Badar Bashir, Kathleen Henry, Valdimir Bosnar, Laurent Thibault, Andrea Rudnicky and Linda & David Noble. The outstanding Trail Maintenance Volunteer of the Year was Neal Stein. Special service awards were handed out to Stephen Kamnitzer for his service as a board member and over 20 years of managing our Club’s content management, website and registration system, and Peter Leeney for his 20 years of volunteering in almost every role with the TBTC Board and on various committees.