Hello Biodiversity Volunteers,
We would like to welcome any volunteers who are new to the Biodiversity team. Please feel free to email with any questions you may have.If you have been hoping to earn the Biodiversity Badge you will have the opportunity to join us on a work party this fall, if any of the dates work for you. The Biodiversity badge requirements can be found on our website here: https://torontobrucetrailclub.org/the-trail/badges
Rose-Mary & Lynn
Toronto Bruce Trail Club – – Biodiversity Team
Contact us: tbtc.landstewardship@gmail.com
Work Party Schedule
Work parties meet at 10 AM and finish at 2 PM
You will need to bring gloves, all other equipment will be provided.
Sat Sept 7 Hammer, removing unsanctioned trail 5-10 Volunteers
We will remove part of an unsanctioned piece of trail built in a wetland area of the property. And more work is needed to clear a new side trail on the Hammer property. It still needs quite a bit of clipping and the blazes need to be sited and outlined for painting.
Gloves are needed and rubber or waterproof boots to work in the wetland. (At least a change of shoes) If you have them, please bring small gardening clippers. We will bring loppers, folding saws and any other tools needed.
Sun Sept 15 Springle, locate invasive honeysuckle 5-10 Volunteers
We have a number of jobs to do … we will check on the American Chestnuts and the Elm trees planted a few years ago. We will remove some unneeded fencing, and clean up the 2 boot brush stations on the Bardes Meadowlands ST. And we will use iNaturalist or Seek, etc. to locate and flag Tartarian Honeysuckle and Multiflora Rose so we can plan to start removing these later this fall and next year. Bring gloves. If you don’t have some sort of Plant ID app, consider downloading Seek, or iNaturalist.
Sat Sept 21 Duff Pit, planting Cedars 4-8 Volunteers
We will be planting about a dozen cedars trees on the property boundary to provide more privacy for a neighbour and to prevent possible trespass by hikers. We will also look for Scots Pine seedlings/saplings that have grown since we started clearing them on the property. And we can continue work on the clearing of a new side trail that will be connecting with the Trafalgar & Duff Pit side trails. Bring gloves. We will provide shovels and whatever else is needed.
Rain Day Sat Sept 28
If a work party is cancelled due to heavy rain or other circumstance, we will try to reschedule the work to be done this Saturday.
Please Note:
No experience is necessary and we welcome you to come on any of the work days. For students who are looking for community service hours, this work does qualify. Please let me know on which day or days you are interested in volunteering. More information will be sent closer to the actual date regarding each work party with directions and any other relevant information.
An email will be sent before each scheduled work day to notify of changes due to weather or other circumstances to all who have signed up for that day.
Time: Work parties will usually meet at 10:00 am and finish at 2:00 pm
What to Bring: Water and lunch or a snack, insect repellent, work or gardening gloves, a hat
Sunblock or rain gear depending on the forecast
Wear working clothes and a sturdy pair of boots or shoes, (no
light running shoes or sandals please) or rubber or waterproof
boots if required
You may want to bring a change of clothes or footwear if
conditions are wet or muddy