The Toronto Bruce Trail Club is inviting nominations for outstanding TBTC volunteers for the Nina Carlisle Award and the Todd Bardes Award.
The Nina Carlisle Award is given to longstanding volunteers who are actively involved in the activities of the TBTC for at least five years. Such volunteering could be in the areas of trail maintenance, hike leading, social event planning, communications, administrative tasks, fund-raising and Board service.
Previous Recipients of the Nina Carlisle Volunteer Award:
2008 Nina Carlisle. 2009 Frances Walker. 2010 Malcolm Sanderson. 2011 Stephen Kamnitzer. 2012 Larry Haigh. 2013 Paul Vanhanen. 2014 Peter Leeney. 2015 Grant Leigh. 2016 Teresa Karolewski. 2017 David Paape. 2018 Wayne Crockett. 2019 Barbara Euler. 2020 Vlad Bosnar. 2021 Alina Lin.
The Todd Bardes Volunteer Award is given to outstanding persons in recognition of significant volunteer contributions to the TBTC made during the past year or two.
Previous recipients of the Todd Bardes Award:
2017 Deb Brander. 2018 Martina Furrer. 2019 Thomas Swales. 2020 not awarded. 2021 Jacqueline Van Dyke.
You can read more about our volunteer awards and find the nomination form on our website here. Nominations must be submitted by March 15th 2022. The awards will be presented at the Club’s 2022 Annual General Meeting (details to be announced shortly).
For more information about the awards, please email