Year end message from President Graham Allen

2020 has been an extraordinary year which has shown the adaptability and resilience of the TBTC community. Who would have thought nine months ago we would still be social distancing and wearing masks?

I would like to thank all the club volunteers including Trail Maintenance workers, Land Stewards, Trail Captains, Hike Leaders, E-Notes co-editors and my fellow Board of Directors for their countless hours of dedication. 

Though our formal hiking program is paused, TBTC has initiated a  new winter hiking badge for those who complete the Toronto section between December 21, 2020 and March 19, 2021. We look forward to awarding the first winter hiking badge. We are also introducing a new Youth Hiking Badge for those under 13 who hike either a minimum of 3km or one hour of the Toronto Section. Congratulations to Alina Lin, Director Public Relations and Education for this initiative. 

Of the many achievements this year I would like to highlight our new TBTC website to be introduced in the New Year. Thank you to the website design team led by David Rowney, Director Communications. 

Thank you to all the members for your continued support and I look forward to when we can gather and connect in person once again.  

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021. 

Graham Allen
TBTC President.