Trail maintenance

Many members of the Toronto Bruce Trail Club (TBTC) enjoy maintaining the Bruce Trail and the many side trails, so that hikers may appreciate the Niagara Escarpment.

Trail Captains

The trails within the TBTC are divvied up into 50 sectors of 2 to 4 kilometers each. Each sector is maintained by a volunteer Trail Captain who is responsible for:

  • Inspecting their trail sector, and reporting on its status 3 times a year
  • Cutting back branches and weeds and removing litter
  • Repainting blazes and ensuring the blazes are visible
  • Reporting issues with stiles, steps, boardwalks, bridges, signage, erosion, and downed trees

Trail Maintenance Volunteers

Our work parties cut tall grass and weeds, maintain signage, build trail re-routes, benching and side-logging the trails so that they don’t slide down the hills, repair structures, build new structures, and generally do anything else that required on the trails.  There are usually 100 or so work parties each year.  Trail Maintenance volunteers may join whichever work parties they desire.

As our volunteers quickly discover, trail maintenance is physically demanding but also very rewarding: the results of their work are much appreciated by hikers.

Trail Maintenance – Useful Links

Trail Status Report Form

TBTC Trail Geography

Volunteer With Us

More on The Trail

  • Toronto Section Side Trail Guide