Ready to get serious with improving your trail photos?

Long time Toronto Bruce Trail Club hiker Man Khun Chan was kind enough to go into a bit more detail on how to get your best photographs when on the Bruce Trail . Here’s some advice he has to our questions.

Where can we see more of your photos?

You can see some of my images on my YouTube channel  Man Khun Chan – YouTube

What type of camera do you typically use on your hikes and what do you recommend for novices or those interested in taking more photos?

I started with point and shoot, graduated to DSLR and now Mirrorless SLR with a 24 – 70mm zoom lens. For the novice I would recommend point and shoot to start with and move on to a Mirrorless SLR when they find they have outgrown their point and shoot. Nowadays everyone has a camera in their pocket – your cellphone is a very capable camera and it is always with you!

What are the favourite type of photos that you take while on the trail? (e.g. people, nature, wildlife)

Photography is capturing light. Whenever I see beautiful light on a scene I would click. Favourite light for photographers are lights at sunrise and sunset. But for us hikers, we get harsh light. But they are good light during the midday sun. Like sun rays streaming through the foliage. I always like to include items that has an association to the Bruce Trial, like hikers walking pass the blazers and landmarks of the Bruce Trail. Candid images of interaction between hikers is fun. I would always try to take a group photo at the appropriate time. Fall and winter are my favourite seasons to photograph. Don’t limit yourself to one type of photography!

Can you give some other tips for taking great photos?

Google “The Exposure Triangle” to understand how Aperture/ISO/Shutter Speed affect how your images will turn out. Know your camera like your cellphone. Know how to control your camera without thinking about it. Like the way you use your phone – take it out, click and onto the next image. How you see and compose your image will make or break your image. Pleasant composition coupled with good light will move your viewers. You know you have a good image when you get a reaction from your viewers!